jobs 253 and next move Programs
In 2016, we started partnering with Tacoma Public Schools and City of Tacoma as part of their Summer Jobs 253 program (now known as Jobs 253.) That same year we also took on our first high school intern through the Next Move internship program. We have continued working with these programs year after year with a high degree of success for both the organization and the youth students.
Jobs 253 offers incoming juniors and seniors from Tacoma Public Schools the opportunity to earn either high school credit for graduation or college credit while gaining meaningful work experience.
Our partnership with Jobs 253 provides Tacoma High School students with:
Work experience paid for by City of Tacoma
Up to two high school credits
Basic work readiness
Resume/interview skills
Increased self confidence and personal growth
It provides us with:
A low-cost, low-risk summer workforce
An intelligent and motivated employee
Access to a diverse pool of talent
An opportunity to change lives
The ability to recruit future employees
For more information, visit