Get started bike touring on a budget at 2nd Cycle!
Shadow Auri discovered Second Cycle and built their own touring bike at the shop. They plan on bike touring on across the united states....
Holiday Party
We will be having a Holiday Party at the shop if you want to come down and say hello!
We got gift cards!
We have gift cards now for the Holidays. Pretty cool!
We are going to winter hours this October 28th
After talking to the staff we have decided to close Sunday and Mondays for the winter. We will also be closed tuesday October 29th for...
Summer Intern Gabe Gives Rare Interview!
This past summer we had the privilege of having Gabe, one of the original students in our iDEA high school class, as our Summer Jobs 253...
2nd Cycle Summer camp student completes Seattle to Portland ride with Major Taylor Project!
Ocean came to us during our 2nd week of urban cycling summer camp. He didn’t have much experience riding bikes before camp, just a few...
Ladies' Night Now Twice a Month!
Due to popular demand, Second Cycle's first Friday Ladies' Night is now expanding to two Fridays per month! The first and third Friday of...
Summer Camp!
If you saw a group of grinning kids on bikes pedaling around Tacoma near the end of June, chances are you spotted our first-ever Urban...
Earn-a-Bike wins high praise from leading critics!
Meet Katie and Lucy, two of our spring Earn-a-Bike participants. Katie just wrote us a review of the class she and her sister took -...
Welcome Emily!
On March 1st, Emily became a full-time mechanic and shop purchaser at Second Cycle. You can come say hi to her pretty much anytime the...